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A word from the founder

Restore real cocktail recipes

❝Bartender and mixologist for 15 years after having graduated with an additional bartender qualification, it was absolutely without pretension that in 2012 I created Cocktail Mag.

I started publishing recipes, and then I started doing in-depth research on cocktails, looking into old documents from centuries ago, and I realized that putting apart from 1 or 2 totally unknown American sites, the cocktail recipes that could be found on the web had been so modified that they had lost all their authenticity.

So I'm keen to try to reestablish real cocktail recipes, what's more on a site without advertising (yes, I'm the first to find that boring, I'm not going to do the same to you 🤪) and which does not promote brands. A few things remain to be caught up on this site but doing mixological research on hundreds of cocktails is extremely time-consuming. I also have a lot of cocktails from my research to show you, but publishing everything would take a lot of time, and I don't have that time.

So yes it's true there will always be debates around cocktails, cherry or not in an Old Fashioned or a Manhattan, bourbon or brandy in a Mint Julep, but as you will have understood, I will always try to publish the original recipes, out of respect for the geniuses who sometimes created these classic cocktails centuries ago.

I would also like to pay tribute through this site to all the geniuses of Jerry Thomas, Harry Johnson, Robert Vermeire, Theo Proulx and many others, who invented or introduced the greatest cocktails into the world classics, and which I didn't even hear about once during my bartending training!❞

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